Get thee outside

As your local self-proclaimed expert on spring time experiences, I recommend that you go outside ASAP.  I base this recommendation on the glorious day that was yesterday.  Truly, a day for rejuvenating the soul after winter. The sky was a deep tranquil blue.  You can see the pulse of the tree quickening in the color of its leaves; each leaf is bright green, eager to accept the nourishing sunlight. The range is growing so quickly that it feels as if the earth is heaving up at you. The range is in a race to grow while there is still moisture in the soil, but it isn’t a onerous race.  For the range plants, it is a joy to grow with abandon, just like it is a joy for a dog to run full out.

As you walk through the joy of springtime, bare your arms to the sun, let the sun chase away all of the cold drafty chills and disappointments of winter. Let the outrageous passion and energy of spring seep into your soul and buoy up all of your hopes and dreams.

April prepares her green traffic light and the world thinks Go.  ~Christopher Morley, John Mistletoe

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